Volumetric dosing unit Color Exact 1100 SM-D Touch
Color-Exact is a dosing unit intended for dosing of masterbatch and reground material and other granulateformed additives used in the plstic industry. Color-Exact 1100 SM-D Touch can be used with injection moulding and extrusion.
When running in extruder mode the Color-Exact can be connected to the tacho of the extruder, so a synchonous operation between extruder and dosing unit is obtained. Neckpieces are available in various executions, also with integrated materialhopper.

Selection of dosing systems
Our major selection of dosing systems enables us to provide the customer with the best suitable solution.

The special shape of the neckpiece ensures an outstanding blend of the added material. Therefore an extra mixer unit is not required.

Injection moulding


Color-Exact type 1100
The Color-Exact type 1100, which are intended for mounting on injecton moulding machines and extruders, are mounted with a stepmotor. In extruder mode the control with touchpanel is fitted with a digital readout and with digitalsetting for the dosing screw's number of revolutions per start impulse (potential free signal) from the injection moulding machine, with a dissolution of 1/100 revolution. The digitalsetting of the revolutionspeed of the dosingscrew, can be set in the range from 1-99 revolutions/min.